Still, life.
I got my start taking pictures of people. My friends to be specific. I remember at the end of my high school senior-year year-long independent study in Photography declaring that I couldn't take a good picture of a tree because I needed an emotional connection in order to take a good picture. This was partly true, and I have set about trying to correct this by learning how to have an emotional connection with everything that comes before my lens (I have tried to take pictures without that spark and it still doesn't work). The other part of that truth was (and still is) that I take pictures to try and find my connection to the world. It was because Art offered me the promise of a way to bridge the gap between my heart and my head that I got hooked in the first place. Twenty year later and I am still hooked, and still trying to, what... make whole something that, I don't know, needs to be made whole?