So, Mary was going to get the Aardbei milkshake. That actually sounded quite good to me, and I think I'll have to get one before I leave here. I resolved to get the Hazelnoot, because I figured it was a good day for it, what with the rain and the sun and the trip into town and the TV and well, the emotional turmoil underneath it all.

Long story short, they were out of milk (?) and couldn't make a milk shake. Don't ask me. I
know it's a dairy. I have
seen the cows.
They even make their own ice cream. Still, now that I think if it, it was the son that told us last time they were out of milk. Does he not want to make them? Seems strange because they get 3 times as much for a milkshake...
Mary got the Hazelnoot and so I got the Aardbei. It was good. Maybe next time though I'll have to order first.