Today we all went for ice cream.

Ok, so I compromised. I really wanted Coffee, but she still hasn't made any, and to be honest I knew there wouldn't be any. The thing is, I really don't want this to be a shaggy dog story where every day I pretend I am going to branch out and every day I get strawberry because it's a cute schtick. I decided to break the streak. I got Chocolate/Strawberry. It was very good. I wish she would make Peach. Haagen Daaz used to have an Elberta Peach that was for years my absolute favorite. I was in heaven every time I came across one of those chunks of slightly tart peach that would cut through the cream. I haven't seen it in years. I assume they make it as a regional specialty some places, or maybe it's too expensive to use actual peaches anymore. I am also partial to a good Green Tea ice cream, but that wasn't on the board today...