Yesterday was a big day. Later I'll post some pictures and write some things and backdate it to make it seem like there is no lagtime in blogland.
Now, there is a mostly empty glass of a Bordeaux that was two Euro at the store yesterday. That, and us. Ok, make that an empty glass. I like to joke that I am not a glass "half-empty" or "half-full" person, but a "as long as I can get a refill" person. Perhaps that's why people like the idea of reincarnation, the is always a refill.
There is a branch of Mahayana Buddhism that took root in China a long time ago - when an Indian monk known as BodhiDarma (also known as Daruma in Japan) went North and spent 9 years staring at a cave wall (and is considered the founder of Shaolin Temple) - which then spread to Korea and Japan, called respectively Chan or Zen (as we know it in the West) that you have probably heard of as it has become extremely popular as of late.
Zen is a glass "always full" kind of perspective. I'm still working on that one.