
The horses are on the track.

The film is on its way to the lab – in Amsterdam – thanks to Albert (Thanks Albert) who is driving it there. I shot 12 rolls, which is roughly 120 shots, most of which are bracketed exposures. Hopefully there will be one or two usable images in there for display next week. Albert will bring back the film and a percussionist tomorrow and we'll see. Two lightboxes have been ordered, and prints will get made (again in Amsterdam) and everything should be here by Tuesday. Wednesday is "Queen's Day" which is a very popular holiday. It sounds like Amsterdam becomes one big flea market and by mid-afternoon is choked to a standstill by drunk people, or so I am told. It seems a little like Mardis Gras, with the locals heading to the hills while everyone else comes in to celebrate. I'd love to go wander around and see the stuff but I have neither the money nor the means to take home anything I might get, oh and I probably don't need anything anyway, so we'll see what happens.

Meanwhile people slowly bring things by for me to photograph, at the rate of one a day. Maybe tomorrow, with the Naoberschap Soup and the performances will up the ante some. Otherwise it's a lazy day. Maybe a good day to get Ijs...